// September 19th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Charity Record Attempt Video // General
The Clip about the record attempt is ONLINE!!!
Thanks for the support!!!
// August 13th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für National Record, Personal Bests and 10 Years of Freediving // General
I wasn´t able to write the last days. So many things happend. Where shall I start…
A few days before the record attempt I tryed for a new personal best in constant weight.Last year I was diving 78m in that disziplin and after a day off rest (I had breakfast with girl in Hilton)I felt strong to try for 80m.The warm up FRC´s felt so good…I went down to 36m on halt full lung very easy.The Bloodshift felt so good.Then we set the robe. On the dive I felt very calm. The falling part was the best. My ears worked as they should and I reached the bottom weight and bend my arm to getas much depth as possible.The way back up felt good…I was clear at the surface.Then suddenly I was very happy to archive a 84m dive in Constant Weight. I´ve never been that deep.
I felt quite nervous the day before the attempt. I tryed for 75m dive and I made it very easy. On the day before the record attempt my girl and me felt of the motorbike and we got some scars. Of course I got mine on my foot. It burned a lot.Now I was even more nervous and not sure if I could reach my goal. All my confidence as gone.On the record day was okay. I coverd the scar with some vaseline so the pain was aceptable.The warm up dive was very good and all the setup was made ready for me try. The judes Linda and Katya, the camera man Leif and saftey Marek and Flavia were in positon.4 Minutes until official TOP.I did my last breathes and made my way down into the blue abyss.It was very nice…no problems with ears, good bloodshift and pure calmness. Thats how a dive should be.On the bottom weight I was searching for the TAG and after a few second I found it on the BOTTOM PLATE :-)The way up was easy. Back on surface I performed a perfect surface protocol and the I had THE RECORD.Exactly one year since the last record.I was very happy that you could kiss my girl again.
I´m very proud that this CHARITY DIVE raised almost 2000 Euro to Foundation witch support mine victimes all over the world.
The day after the record attempt we went to sharm to try the sled.10 years ago I was watching the BIG BLUE with eyes wide open and impressed by those pictures.Now 10 Years late I could give the sled diving a first try.On the first dive I went with Linda and she showed me how everything works. We managed a 40m dive.A few dives later Marek and me went together down to 80m. We were in the middle of a tuna swarm. It was very nice.I realised that I still had no contractions. So I was asking for a 90m Dive. The rope was set and I did my breath up.3,2,1 and the sled went into the abyss. It was freediving FORMULA 1. The light went darker with every meter.Then the bottom. I was looking on my watch and saw 88m. The I was climbing down the sled and did some bending.I finaly had 91m on my watch. Then I startet to infalte the ballon. The way up was really fast and nice.Adrenalin was all over my body. Back at the surface I still had no contractions but we stopped diving.The risk of DCS was to big.Afterwards I realised that I was 30 seconds between 88m and 91m.
I never experienced that much in such a few days during my whole freediving carrer.
// August 5th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Crossing the Arch // General
Yesterday was a great day.
In the morning I got promoted at my job :-)
And then we went into the water for a special experience.
Mark rented a DIVEx Scooter for crossing the arch.
After a few warmups he did his try and finaliy he did the arch.
Next was Marek…a warmup to 43m and the CROSSING the Arch!!!
In the end I made a try for the Arch as well and I DID IT :-)
The dive was great….It went down to 62m and then I saw it…thousands of small fishes were into the cave and the light was beautiful.
During the whole dive I did´nt even had contractions. The divetime was 2:20 min.
A perfect day!
// August 3rd, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Step back // General
Todays training did´nt went as good as I thought. The currant was strange, so the bouy was always to close to the reef. The line was not going strait down….all that freaked me out a little bit.
In the end I managed to do a 71m dive in a very good divetime of 2:11 min.
Afterwards german Dennis and me did some filming witch was very nice.
Tomorow day off again.
// August 1st, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Constant Weight – Feeling // General
Since my girl is here – everything is fine.
The last two days I manged a 75m Constant Weight dive in 2:30 min. and a 77m Dive in 2:24 min. I felt very good an that dives but today I need to have a day off.
I really feel that the depth is taking my power.
// Juli 25th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Solid FRCs and bad deep dives // General
During last days marek had a course – so no deepdive training at blue hole for me.
In the meantime I did some very nice FRCs at Lighthouse. Beside this I managed to do a 3:40 min dive down to 37m. It felt very nice.
Today we went to Blue Hole. The currant was strong and during my dive the rope moved.
At 60m I banged into the inner wall of Blue Hole, ripped my suit and scratched my skin.
Back at surface I was fine but unhappy. I felt like doing a 70m constant weight dive.
Tomorow I´m gonna try again. But I will be more aware during the descent.
Now I´m enjoying the steaks we made :-)
// Juli 21st, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Day Off… // General
The last nights I could´nt find a good sleep.
Yesterday I spend the whole day painting my motorbike. Its Blue Metalic now…very funky.
The training day today was quite inefficent. Did´nt bring the monofin, so no constant weight training.Tryed free immersion but way to less bottom weight on the line. In the end our training end up doing some underwater bubble rings.
// Juli 20th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Second Training – Big Step // General
The Blue Hole was nice and calm. When we went into the water it was a bit difficult to get the ropes set.After that we needed some time to relax again.
After my warum up dives I went for the proper dive but my ears got stuck.
3 Minutes after that I went for a new try. The dive alarm was set on 60m. After a few kick I was freefalling and it felt very good. Then I the alarm came and I kept falling for another few seconds.
Back at the surface my D3 sayed 68m. Its quite scary how easy my body is adapting to the depth. I like it!!!
// Juli 18th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für First Training Session // General
It was very hot night and I woke up a few times to drink. I think I really should get a aircon.
At 9am Marek and me went to Blue Hole for deepdive training.
The sea was calm and very nice.
On my first warm up dive my right ear got stuck and I thought that I could´nt go deep today.
After the second dive it was fine and I prepared myself to the first BIG dive.
I felt quite calm and my body felt very good while falling down.
A few seconds after I stoped kicking I already heard the depth alarm. It was set on 55m… I kept on falling down.
The way back felt easy and when I saw Marek I was surprised that I did´nt even had contractions.
Result of that dive 63m in 2:10 min. Pretty Good for the first dive.
In the afternoon we went into the south of dahab for some fishing. I did´nt caught a fish but it was very relaxing :-) Now my fingers smell like the bait.
Now I´m sitting here in El Salam Restaurant and I wait for my girlfriend calling me on skype.
Tomorow we go to Blue Hole again to for a training session. I hope my ears will take me down to 65m tomorow.
// Juli 17th, 2009 // Kommentare deaktiviert für Operation 72 // General
It’s time again.
The call of the BIG BLUE.
Yesterday I arrived in Dahab to train for a new german record in constant weight freediving.
My aim this time: 72m
Since this record attempt is for Charity my Sponsors paying money for each Record Meter to a foundation who supportng explosive and mine victimes.
After my plane arrived in Sharm el Sheikh I saw my friend Mohammed @Faster at the airport…he took me on his taxi to dahab.
One hour later I arrived at my house and got a welcome lunch by the people who use to life in the house. It was very nice.
Today I went to Lighhouse Bay by myself for a few shallow dives. I was back…back into my beloved sea. Even a octopus came by to say hello :-) Later its time for some serious training!
It seems to be a nice hot day in dahab!
PS: Steffi my love – I miss you…hope you will be here very soon!